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Lord Krell is a whole chapter in the party's past experiences. The party
happened across his complex after some problems (to them) started coming from his direction. After several hours of heated discussions at Lord
Krell's complex a small explosive device was discharged blowing up a portion of the outer castle. Ever since then he has been a thorn in the
party's side. He has made no open advances toward anyone, but will never pass up an opportunity if it is any easy one.
Recently he has suffered from the same attack as two other strongholds in the area. The attack by the barbarian
horde and a group of hired mercenaries called Mist Hunters managed to wipe out over 80 percent of his army.
As a side note the barbarian horde of over 2000 that was sent to clean up what was left, never made it to the complex before being defeated. It is rumored that over 8,000 of the complex guards were killed by less than 8 Mist Hunters over a 3 day period.
Since that time no one has heard from Lord Krell, but his patrol's
can still be seen watching over his territory.