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Appearance: Mature
General Appearance: Clean / Well-Kept
General Tendencies: Sober
Possessions: Average
Disposition: Cold
Intellect: Scheming/Methodical
Nature: Tyrannical
Materialism: Covetous
Honesty: Honest
Bravery: Brave
Morals: Absolute Law
Piety: High (Hextor)
Priest of Hextor for the Axis, Consultant to Lord Steven, and Wardsman of the Vile Runes Castle. Davik is currently being given stay in the Vile Runes Castle, granted by Lord Steven who has authorized Davik to take up a place of worship to Hextor within the confounds of the Castle for Davik's aid and participation. Davik's loyalty to the Axis is only surpassed by his loyalty to the God of Tyranny whose word and faith Davik has been secretly and subtley sowing amongst the various settlements surrounding the area. Davik is cold and methodical about all he does. His morals are only limited the laws his god lays forth. Despite his callousness and his drive for more power and influence his word is binding and he holds true to deals, bargains, pacts, and oaths he makes. The strong are meant to rule the weak.