Darkside Saddanar

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Appearance: Mature
General Appearance: Clean
General Tendencies: Sober
Possessions: Above Average
Disposition: Insensitive
Intellect: Scheming
Nature: Unforgiving
Materialism: Covetous
Honesty: Deceitful
Bravery: Brave
Morals: Immoral
Piety: Average

On July 15, 1203 Saddanar Stormcrow, the savior of New Moret became Stormcrow the Death Master.  Stormcrow strongly believes in self preservation. While willing to throw himself into nearly any fight, he will not sacrifice himself for others [save those he considers friends].  While appearing weak in power, he is truly powerful in his intellect.  WOE TO ANY WHO CROSS HIM!

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