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Appearance: Mature
General Appearance: Clean
General Tendencies: Sober
Possessions: Above Average
Disposition: Insensitive
Intellect: Scheming
Nature: Unforgiving
Materialism: Covetous
Honesty: Deceitful
Bravery: Brave
Morals: Immoral
Piety: Average
The Illrigger Paladin from Nulb who was recently captured and tortured at the hands of the Fists of Zeus operating out of New Moret. It is unclear how much Saddanar participated in the torture, but it is known that he was present during parts or her interrogation. In the past, Natasha has been known to provide Steven with information on matters of mutual interest. It is unclear if she will be willing to offer additional information while the party remains in contact with the Wizard Leader of New Moret.
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