Guild overthrown:


We went to investigate who or what has overthrown the local thieves guild. We were able to find out limited information on this attempt and were nearly captured. We luckily escaped out of a chute into the back alley.


2nd Attempt:


We gained access to the guild once again through the secret passage into the library. We followed sounds of activity down past the first floor and into the tunnels below the guild. We encountered an IMP and finally managed to eliminate him. We found that the guardians of the lower passages were iron cobras hidden in the walls and managed to safely get everyone through them, although there were some injuries. The tunnel stopped at a set of double doors. Beyond the doors was a large room with a portal to another plane. We fought several creatures in here and the party was separated. The portal closed off and left the two brothers stranded on the other plane. We had no way to open the portal, but another Imp that was hiding in the room struck a bargain with us. Orak now owes this Imp a favor, for opening the portal.